Frontiers in Transportation 2007

Social Interactions

Workshop 2007


Amsterdam, The Netherlands


14th - 16th October, 2007


Please see:

Transportation and Social Interactions, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 45, Issue 4 - Special Issue

Authors Title Download
Abou-Zeid, Ben-Akiva The effect of social comparisons on commute well-being DOI
Dugundji, Páez, Arentze, Walker, Carrasco, Marchal, Nakanishi Transportation and social interactions DOI
Ettema, Arentze, Timmermans Social influences on household location, mobility and activity choice in integrated micro-simulation models DOI
Hackney, Marchal A coupled multi-agent microsimulation of social interactions and transportation behavior DOI
Han, Arentze, Timmermans, Janssens, Wets The effects of social networks on choice set dynamics: Results of numerical simulations using an agent-based approach DOI
Lovejoy, Handy Social Networks as a Source of Private-vehicle Transportation: The Practice of Getting Rides and Borrowing Vehicles Among Mexican Immigrants in California DOI
Mote, Whitestone The social context of informal commuting: Slugs, strangers and structuration DOI
Sunitiyoso, Avineri, Chatterjee The effect of social interactions on travel behaviour: An exploratory study using a laboratory experiment DOI
Tilahun, Levinson Work and home location: Possible role of social networks DOI
Walker, Ehlers, Banerjee, Dugundji Correcting for endogeneity in behavioral choice models with social influence variables DOI
Wilton, Páez, Scott Why do you care what other people think? A qualitative investigation of social influence and telecommuting DOI